ASH BARK A very druid sacred tree, the Ash is part of the sacred trio "by oak, by ash and by thorn" of ancient British legend. This...

Ash Sea
Ash Sea: Used in image magick, invincibility, protection from drowning, general protection,and luck. Burning an ash log at Yule brings...

Litha: Summer Solstice - December 20 - 22 * Litha (Midsummer, Gathering Day, Summer Solstice, Alban Heffyn, Feill-Sheathain) Incense:...

Foods of Yule
firstly I want to apologise on the terrible spelling, its never been my strong point and my spell check is messed up :( The year has gone...

Sabbat Herbs
Sabbat Herbs Typically these herbs are placed around the home, alter and circle in conjunction with the Sabbat. SAMHAIN: Chrysanthemum,...

Bunny Love...
Bunny Love... * Why do we honour the Rabbit at Ostara? Rabbits and hares are associated with Goddess energy and it was long believed...

Ostara Garden Egg Blessing...
Ostara Garden Egg Blessing... * Hard boil an egg, then with a felt tipped pen, or water based paint, mark appropriate symbols to...

Ostara egg colour meaning...
Image from Pintarest

Ostara blessings. * Vernal or Spring Equinox, the Rites of Spring, Lady Day, Alban Eiber and Bacchanalia. The Spring Equinox occurs...

Mabon, pronounced May-bon, MAY-bun, MAY-bone, MAH-boon, or MAH-bawn, is the Fall Equinox, named after the Celtic God of the same name....