Power of 3 Healing
Power of 3 Healing This spell uses the strength of the number 3 to help speed healing of an illness. Its best used when someone is ill,...

Strengthen your Third Eye
'Strengthen your Third Eye' Step 1: Sit with your back straight, eyes closed, chin tilted down slightly. Step 2: Bring your palms...
The Power Of A Spell
The Power Of A Spell A spell or prayer finds its energy from you and your connection to the energy of Divine Creation. You bring it to...

To reconcile with the Universe...
To reconcile with the Universe... In the dark of the moon when stars show clear Go where no houses or lights appear Where hills are low...

Samhain Hungry Ghost Spell
Samhain Hungry Ghost Spell Samhain, the Celtic roots of Halloween, marks the beginning of the dark, incubatory half of the year. It's...

Need more time
Do you always have so much to do and never enough time to do it in? I have been like that today - Running but not making any progress. ...

Welcoming the Rising Sun...
Welcoming the Rising Sun... * This Welcoming the Sun can be done as its own rite or as part of a morning ritual. Begin this ritual at...

Witches Water Spell
Witches Water Spell * Witches' Water is water that is blessed by a Witch. It can repel evil, bless items, Speed your body's healing...