AMETRINE OPTIMISM Ametrine powerfully combines the qualities of both Amethyst and Citrine creating a stone of optimism. Its high energy...

AMETHYST SPIRITUALITY & INTUITION Amethyst is the stone of spirituality and contentment, it bestows stability, strength, inner peace. It...

A Moon day crystal - AQUAMARINE Element Water Aquamarine is a symbol of friendship, equity and courage. This stone is a bluish-green...

Element Fire According to a legend cited by Ovidius in "Metamorphoses", Amber gems are the stark tears of daughters of the God of Sun, in...

Charging stones
Charging stones Before using them in magick, stones should be 'charged' or 'programmed' with energy. This is done simply by holding the...

CITRINE Element Air Citrine is a quartz variety of citreous, wine-yellow or golden colour. Talismans & amulets Excessively sensitive and...

Cat's Eye
CAT'S EYE Element Water Cat's Eye is a quartz stone, with inclusions of olive-green rutile. When the stone is moved slightly, a narrow...

LAPIS LAZULI Element Air Lapis Lazuli is a symbol of luck, success and prosperity Lapis lazuli is a mineral of dark blue colour with...

OBSIDIAN Element Earth Obsidian is not a gemstone. It is formed during fast cooling of lava products after a volcanic eruption - that’s...

Crystal Purification Incense
Crystal Purification Incense 2 parts Frankincense 2 parts Copal 1 part Sandalwood 1part Rosemary 1 pinch finely powdered salt 1...