Divination types
Divination is the prediction of future events, or the discovery of secret matters by a great variety of means, signs and occult...

Crystal Skull Magik...
Crystal Skull Magik... There is something extremely mystical about a crystal carved into the shape of a skull. The skull shape is...

Magickal Incense,Oils and Tinctures
** Note: I have had these in my BOS for some time & I do not have the Original Author , If you know who each or one belongs to please let...

Dark Moon Night
Calendar of the Moon Dark Moon Night Colour: Black Element: Air Altar: Upon a black cloth set a single black candle, incense, an...

Day of Hestia Tamia
Calendar of the Sun 29 Halegmonath Day of Hestia Tamia Colour: Brown Element: Fire Altar: Like all rituals to Hestia, this ritual...

Scorpion: Scorpion aids in uncovering what is hidden along with a sense of timing and cunning calculation. He teaches vigilance and an...

Need more time
Do you always have so much to do and never enough time to do it in? I have been like that today - Running but not making any progress. ...

Hapi's Day
Calendar of the Sun 28 Halegmonath Day of the Nile: Hapi's Day Colours: Blue and green Element: Water Altar: Upon cloth of blue and...

Greek festival for Gaia and the Nymphs
From the eve of today 27th Sep till the eve of tomorrow 28th Sep We honour the old Greek festival for Gaia and the Nymphs (the male and...

Aequinoctium Autumnale
Calendar of the Sun Aequinoctium Autumnale Colours: Brown and Orange Element: Earth Altar: Upon cloth of brown and orange,...