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Need more time

Do you always have so much to do and never enough time to do it in? I have been like that today - Running but not making any progress. I should have had a rose oil shower this morning, before the day got underway. If you are going to have a busy day and not sure how you are going to fit everything in, then first thing in the morning, grab some rose oil and step into your shower. After you have cleaned, tip some rose oil on the shower wall opposite you, where it will not be washed away quickly. Close your eyes and breathe in the fumes while planning out your day. Not only will this calm you down, but it will free your mind from all the busy, craziness that you perceived to happen. Maybe chant something, three times to yourself or out loud to announce loudly to all the energies around you that this is what you need to happen. Something like - Today I have enough time Today I will get done the things that need to be accomplished. If there is something I do not finish today, it was not yet meant to be done. Today I have enough time to finish what I need.

Feel all the wasted energies being washed away, leaving only the needed energies to help you along your day. Yve - Dark Crone (O)

Image - Pintarest


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