Merry meet and welcome to Circle Of Gaia
This is an informational blog on witchcraft from both hemispheres.
We do not claim to be of any religion, faith or path, we walk alone together.
With Love & Light in our hearts, we pray you will enjoy your visit here and feel inspired.
Lady DarkCrone - Southern Hemisphere
I am a Pagan at heart who practices witchcraft, alone.
I have travelled many paths to get where I am today.
Finally, I am in my Crone stage and happy about it.
I have been blessed with many sacred gifts which I share freely.
I share here to inspire all who are like minded and to those who are just starting out.
I am both light and dark, and love both phases equally.
I send blessings to all who visit here.
Lady Agracia SnowWolf - Northern Hemisphere
I'm a Northern Hemisphere , UK based eclectic Pagan mother of three children & Wife.
I am a solitary practitioner of Witchcraft and have walked many paths for 18 years & will continue to do so.
I do not have any specific speciality within The Craft as I tend to jump into everything.
I too am both light and dark in my practices and respect the balance of all.
I hope to inspire and help educate like minded people old and new to The Craft.
Merry Part & Hope That You Enjoy The Site.