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Divination types

Divination is the prediction of future events, or the discovery of secret matters by a great variety of means, signs and occult techniques; but before a witch can perform this successfully, we need to develop the art of seeing. Often described as being both a blessing and a curse, the gift of sight or seeing, is not necessarily confined to witches, and neither is the future fixed.

This A-Z of divination and it's attendant meditational techniques by no means includes all the various methods that have been used throughout the centuries. These listed are the most popular and most suitable for a beginner to try, since they do not require flocks of chicken (alectomancy), entrails (epatoscomancy) or excrement (scatoscopy). *** ASTROLOGY: the study of the placement of planets and stars at the time of birth. BIBLIOMANCY: using a sacred book (ie:Bible) to forecast the future or to provide answers to a question. CARTOMANCY: using a pack of cards to predict the future or to respond to a question. DOWSING: used to search for hidden objects, springs, precious metals etc; using dowsing sticks or rods. EMPYROMANCY: Interpreting the smoke generated by burning Laurel leaves. FELIDOMANCY: Through the observation of feline behaviour. GEMATRIA: Through translating words or sentences into numbers. HYDROMANCY: Staring at water and interpreting what is seen in it. I-CHING: Or The Book Of Changes is a system of divination composed of 64 three-line patterns selected by tossing coins or sticks. JUNGISM: The understanding of mythic symbolism as it relates to human consciousness. KELIDOMANCY: The use of a suspended object in order to foretell the future or respond to a question. LECONOMANCY: The movement of oil poured into water. MEDITATION: A controlled state of higher awareness during which the seeker concentrates on a word or idea in order to receive guidance. NEPHELOMANCY: Using the patterns seen in cloud formation. OMENS: Unusual activities, occurences or events used to divine the future. PALMISTRY: Studying the shape and size of the hands, along with analysis of the lines, mounds, skin colour and finger lengths. QABBALA: A blend of powerful God inspired divination and mysticism. RHABDOMANCY: Diving for water or precious stones using rods or wands. SCIOMANCY: The size and shape of shadows. TASSEOGRAPHY: The ritual reading of tea leaves or coffee grounds. UROMANCY: Divination using urine. VISUALISATION: A controlled level of consciousness during which the seeker can divine answers to questions. WORE-LORE: The understanding of appropriate herbs to use to aid divination. XYLOMANCY: Using the arrangement of dried sticks. YOGA: Both a form of meditation and a practical discipline. ZOANTHROPY: Observing and interpreting the flames of three lit candles placed in a triangular position. XXX

Source - Melusine Draco

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