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A Moon day crystal - AQUAMARINE

Element Water

Aquamarine is a symbol of friendship, equity and courage.

This stone is a bluish-green variety of Beryl.

The colour of Aquamarine is "alive": in the evening or in candlelight it shines brighter and changes its hue depending on the viewing angle.

With time it seems the glow from the stones grows brighter.

When heated, the outer shell of Aquamarine crystal will change colour from green to blue.

According to ancient superstition, the colour of Aquamarine depends both on weather and wearer's mood.

If the spirit of stone's wearer is calm and peaceful, the colour of the stone will be bright blue (like a calm sea).

Aquamarine grows /turbid/ if its wearer is suffering from somebody's negative energy or if he is sad or worried or not loved anymore. During a stretch of bad weather Aquamarine becomes dull and green.

Astrologists consider Aquamarine a stone of Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.


Talismans & amulets

In an antiquity Aquamarines, as well as other blue stones, were considered especially suitable for the amulets acting salutary on sight and cooling passions.

Calming action of colour has been widespread on the natural phenomena - spoke, that the stone is capable to calm sea storms that’s why it used to be seamen’s and travellers’ talisman.

Quite often gemma with the picture of Triton and Neptune was engraved on the stone.

It provided safety in journeys, protected from seasickness and brought victory in sea battles.

Besides it was a symbol of true friendship, judiciousness and eloquence.

It energised mind and even cured laziness!

Helps clairvoyants.

Harmonises soul and body.

Aquamarine is an amulet of happy family life.

In Europe of The Middle Ages, the newly-weds exchanged Aquamarine rings.


Healing properties

Looking at Aquamarine for a long time improves eyesight.

Carrying Aquamarine relieves a tooth, stomach and liver pain.

It is effective at seasickness.

Aquamarine in silver treats diseases of a mucous oral cavity.

It is also believed that aquamarine strengthens heart, helps at lung diseases of lungs, skin and nervous system and improves mood.


Magikal properties

Aquamarine strengthens the spirit of its wearer and exposes a deceit.

As such, it is not recommended to dishonest people.

Any attempt at cheating by such person will be exposed. Aquamarine allows to uncover secrets secret.

It is one of the most magic stones that can expose even astral deceits.

Aquamarine acts on its wearer mood, as a peaceful-seascape - it calms the mind.

More this stone is pure and homogeneous, better it helps in studying science and philosophy.

Greenish Aquamarine is considered as a talisman of of gamblers, as it protects them from loss.

It also strengthens sex appeal of the wearer.



Chakra Five: Vissuddha and Chakra Three: Manipura




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