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Cat's Eye

CAT'S EYE Element Water Cat's Eye is a quartz stone, with inclusions of olive-green rutile. When the stone is moved slightly, a narrow strip of light passes over its surface, looking very much like an eye of cat (hence its name). * Talismans & amulets As a talisman Cat's Eye makes its wearer emotionally stable, fortifies his spirit, protects from evil eye, damage, astral attacks, and also strengthens family ties. It will also make its owner more strong-willed. Cat's Eye promotes concentration, therefore it is recommended to students. As an amulet it nurtures feelings of love, guards from infidelity. * Healing properties Cat’s eye is a remedy for digestion troubles, acting as laxative. It is also a mood regulator. Cat's Eye is beneficial for persons with hypertension as it reduces blood pressure. It also helps eliminate weariness and irritability. * Magikal properties It is believed that Cat's Eye protects and multiplies the wealth of its wearer. For that purpose it is advised to keep it in the same place where money is stashed. * Chakras Chakra Two: Svadhisthana, Chakra Three: Manipura, Chakra Four: Anahata XXX

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