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Ostara blessings. * Vernal or Spring Equinox, the Rites of Spring, Lady Day, Alban Eiber and Bacchanalia. The Spring Equinox occurs between September21 and/upto September 23. Ostara marks the day when night and day are equal and balanced. The Sun God's strength increases. The Maiden celebrates her fertility. Life begins anew at this time. This is a time to plant the seeds of our flower, herb and vegetable gardens. * Goddesses: Virgin Goddesses, Moon Goddesses, Goddesses of Love, Androgynous Deities, some Fertility Goddesses. Some Ostara Goddesses are: Aphrodite (Greek), Eostre (Teutonic), Ma-Ku (Chinese), Lady of the Lake (Welsh-Cornish), Minerva (Roman), Isis (Egyptian), Rheda (Anglo-Saxon), Coatlicue (Aztec). * Gods: Gods of Love, Moon Gods, Gods of Song & Dance, some Fertility Gods. Some Ostara Gods are: Adonis (Greek), Lord of the Greenwood (English), Ovis (Roman Etruscan), Dylan (Welsh), Odin (Norse), Osiris (Egyptian), Attis (Persian), Mithras (Greco Persian). * Altar decorations: Coloured eggs, seeds, earth, flowers and herbs appropriate Traditions: Planting seeds, working on magikal or herbal gardens, herbal work, taking walks through gardens, parks, woodlands, decorating and colouring eggs. Foods: Eggs, honey, bread, seeds, sprouts and green leafy vegetables Drinks: Eggnog, wines, dandelion, lindon teas, hyssop Flowers And Herbs: all spring flowers. irish moss, crocus flowers, daffodils, Easter lilies, roses, strawberry, acorn, celandine, dandelion, dogwood, honeysuckle, iris, jasmine, rose, tansy, violet Incense: Floral of any type. Jasmine, african violet, rose, sage, strawberry, violet flowers, orange peel, rose petals, lotus, magnolia, ginger . Oils: Magnolia, ginger, lotus. Colours: All pastels, yellow, pink, green, blue Stones: Rose quartz, aquamarine, amethyst, jasper and moonstone. Animal: Hares, rabbits, snakes, unicorn, Pegasus XXX

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