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Sabbat Herbs

Sabbat Herbs

Typically these herbs are placed around the home, alter and circle in conjunction with the Sabbat.

SAMHAIN: Chrysanthemum, wormwood, apples, pears, hazel, thistle, pomegranates, all grains, harvested fruits and nuts, the pumpkin, corn.

YULE: Holly mistletoe, ivy, cedar, bay, juniper, rosemary, pine. Place offerings of apples, ranges, nutmegs, lemons and whole cinnamon sticks on the Yule tree.

IMBOLC: Snowdrop, rowan, the first flowers of the year.

OSTARA: Daffodil, woodruff, violet, gorse, olive, peony, iris, narcissus, all spring flowers.

BELTAINE: Hawthorn, honeysuckle, St. John's wort, woodruff, all flowers.

MIDSUMMER: Mugwort, vervain, camomile, rose, lily, oak, lavender, ivy, yarrow, fern, elder, wild thyme, daisy, carnation.

LUGHNASADH: All grains, grapes, heather, blackberries, sloe, crab apples, pears.

MABON: Hazel, corn, aspen, acorns, oak sprigs, autumn leaves, wheat stalks, cypress cones, pine cones, harvest gleanings


[Image set for Northern Hemisphere]

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