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Bunny Love...

Bunny Love... * Why do we honour the Rabbit at Ostara? Rabbits and hares are associated with Goddess energy and it was long believed that witches could turn themselves into rabbits and travel the world undetected. Hares have long been the symbol of the Earth Goddess, in her aspect of fecundity, after all what animal is more fertile than a rabbit? Observe the movement of rabbits and hares in the wild as a form of divination. Movements to the right are positive answers to your question, movements to the left are negative. Random or jerky movements means that the answer is unclear at this time. Use hair from a rabbit to assist in all acts of divination. Add rabbit hair to potions of invisibility, secrecy or astral projection to enhance their potency. Rabbits and hares bring the blessings of the Goddess to land on which they live. Rabbit energy is quick, tricky, good for helping you to change course and escape bad situations quickly. Like Alice in Wonderland you can follow the rabbit down the hole into the Underworld. XXX

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