Aequinoctium Autumnale VI
Calendar of the Sun Aequinoctium Autumnale VI Colors: Brown and Orange Element: Earth Altar: Upon cloth of brown and orange,...
Thesmophoria Day II: Nesteia
Calendar of the Moon 12 Gort/Puanepsion Thesmophoria Day II: Nesteia Colour: Brown Element: Earth Altar: Upon cloth of brown place...
Feast of the Spirits of the Fire
Calendar of the Sun 12 Winterfyllith Feast of the Spirits of the Fire Colour: Red Element: Fire Altar: This ritual shall be held...
From today till the 14th October marks the days of Thesmophoria–Old Greek festival commemorating the transformation of Goddess Kore...
Astrological Moon Lore
Moon Magik Shared from The White Goddess. * The Moon is the astronomical body closest to us and, therefore, has a profound influence upon...
Moon Folklore
Moon Folklore Folklore for the 10 Days after a Full Moon. Next full moon in Southern hemisphere is on the 16th October at 3.23pm * ...
Moon Phase Explanations (S.H)
Southern Hemisphere At the moment, the moon is waxing (growing). Let's take a look at the waxing phases. * Waxing - Waxing Moon means the...
Flutes These are also ancient instruments; flutes appear as a component of many myths & fairy tales. Greek Pan & Athena played different...
Drums and other instruments
Drums and other instruments It is probably impossible to separate drums from magick. Drums express the human heart beat; they are used...
Thesmophoria Day 1: Anodos
Calendar of the Moon 11 Gort/Puanepsion Thesmophoria Day 1: Anodos Colour: Brown Element: Earth Altar: Upon cloth of brown set the...