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Feast of the Spirits of the Fire

Calendar of the Sun 12 Winterfyllith Feast of the Spirits of the Fire

Colour: Red Element: Fire Altar: This ritual shall be held outside, and a great fire built open to the sky. Offerings: Food to be thrown into the fire. Daily Meal: Any food cooked outdoors over the flame. Invocation to the Spirits of the Fire Hail to the Spirits of the Flame! Hail to the Powers of the South, The Daystar and the Summer Solstice, The burning heat of the desert! Hail lioness that walks the golden sands, Hail tiger that prowls the stifling jungles, Hail horses stampeding on the sun-drenched plains, Striking sparks from their hooves! Hail to the Power of Rage that rises in us, Hail to the Power of Passion that rises in us, Hail to the Powers of Will that channels that fire. Hail to the campfire around which we gather Ensuring our survival in the cold world. Hail to the Hearthfire around which we gather Creating family with our warmth. Hail to the Bonfire around which we gather Creating community with our warmth. Hail to the Flame of Inspiration around which we gather Linking all the world in our warmth. Hail to the Spirits of the Flame, And may they ever bless us with their brief, beautiful lives. (All take food that they have made with their hands and throw it into the fire, speaking out their thanks to the gifts of the Spirits of the Fire.) Song: All That Burns Chant: Fire flow, fire flow through me, Bonfire, brush fire, lightning strike, Fire flow, fire flow through me, Fire burn, give me light.


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