Angelica is a very powerful protection herb it protects against negative energy and attracts positive energy; creates a barrier against...
Carista - Day of Peace in the Family
Calendar of the Sun Carista - Day of Peace in the Family Colour: Lavender Element: Water Altar: Upon a lavender cloth set a tray of...
ASH BARK A very druid sacred tree, the Ash is part of the sacred trio "by oak, by ash and by thorn" of ancient British legend. This...
MAGIKAL USES OF ST. JOHN’S WORT Planetaty Association: Sun Deity Association Lugh Astrological Association: Leo Element: Fire Sabbat...
Frankincense Frankincense is an aromatic resin from any of the four main species of deciduous trees in the Boswellia genus. They come in...
Element Fire According to a legend cited by Ovidius in "Metamorphoses", Amber gems are the stark tears of daughters of the God of Sun, in...
Colour: GOLD
Gold Masculinity The Sun The Day The God Pale gold - Prosperity in health. Deep gold - Prosperity, Sun magik DIRECTION: East CHAKRA:...
The Planets: The Sun
The Planets: The Sun The Sun is a typical yellow main sequence star - its mass, size, surface temperature and chemical composition lie...
Ash Sea
Ash Sea: Used in image magick, invincibility, protection from drowning, general protection,and luck. Burning an ash log at Yule brings...
Pagan Celebrations
Have you recently found the Pagan ways, maybe you're new to following a Wiccan tradition and although you want to celebrate your new path...