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Pagan Celebrations

Have you recently found the Pagan ways, maybe you're new to following a Wiccan tradition and although you want to celebrate your new path and the Sabbats, you might feel that you shouldn't celebrate the holidays you spent with your family when you were young such as Christmas or Easter etc etc. I think its fair to say most but not all of us were raised in a Judeo-Christian tradition, and that the seasonal celebrations of our parents and grandparents held the most wonderful childhood memories. As you became older you questioned the religion you followed receiving very little to no informative answers; I know I did.Some continue to follow Christianity even when they didn't get the answers they needed, and thats fine, its ok. However most of us found our way back to the Old Gods and the Old religion. Some may feel that the most painful part whilst on your Pagan path was giving up celebrating the traditions that you once did as a child. But you dont have to push them aside after all some of the most fantastic traditions practised by our elder family members and those before them are infact purely Pagan in origin. So go ahead and celebrate the customs of your childhood. Hand out Valentines day cards filled with loves intention, honour the Gods/Goddess's Venus, Aphrodite, Radha,Freya. Dye or colour eggs for Eostre, bring in a fir tree or even one you can pop up every year from the attic/loft ;) decorate it with ornaments and know in your heart that what your doing is the traditional way of honouring the Old Pagan Gods. If someone says ''but why have you got a tree up, I thought you were Pagan/Wiccan?'' you can confidently reply ''Because it's a Pagan tradition; why do you?

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