Abnoba is the Goddess of the Black Forest,now in modern Germany, a region with many therapeutic springs including the famed Baden-Baden....
The Mothers
The Mothers are the goddesses of birth,fertility,prosperity, abundance, death and rebirth. Relatively little is known about them. What...
Magikal Inks...
Magikal Inks... * I'm sure we all wish that we could make the magikal inks that you see in Pagan-themed stores. Now you can! The magikal...
THE WATCHERS * Who are these secret observers in heaven? Are they angels in the celestial realm? The Watchers: Choirs of Angels? ...
Herbs For Protection...
Herbs For Protection... * The herbs that are most normally used for protection are those that have powers to disperse evil and create a...
AMBER - Element Fire * According to a legend cited by Ovidius in "Metamorphoses", Amber gems are the stark tears of daughters of the God...
Lathyrus odoratus - Sweet Pea
Lathyrus odoratus - Sweet Pea * I now have two old-fashioned sweet pea varieties, Cupani and Black Knight. Cupani is the oldest variety...
Know the difference...
Evoke 1 : to call forth or up: as a CONJURE 2: evoke spirits * Invocation 1 : the act or process of petitioning for help or support;...
Meditation Ritual to find your spirit guide.
Meditation Ritual to find your spirit guide. Enter your special place. Allow the feelings of peace, tranquility and safety to surround...
Short - Cleansing Meditation
Sit comfortably and relax. Direct your awareness within your body; feel the warmth of your body and feel the blood circulate in the...