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Goddess Callisto

Goddess Callisto

In Korea, the festival of Chilseong-je begins at midnight with an offering of white rice and water to the seven stars (Ursa Major).

This gift ensures Callisto's assistance when needed throughout the coming months.

If you can't stay up until midnight, just leave the rice and water in a special spot before you go to bed.

From Her celestial home, Callisto stands ready to protect us in this new year and provide us with adaptability as a coping mechanism.

To encourage this, carry a silver or white stone bear, or a piece of dried willow wood.

Bless this token, saying:

Callisto, release in me the power of flexibility.

Where-ever I carry this little charm, keep me ever safe from harm.

If these token's are not handy, you can substitute any white or silver item, or hand drawn picture of Ursa Major ( the big dipper).


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