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Goddess Chin Mu

Goddess Chin Mu

Honouring Chin Mu today brings health, long life and a year filled with magik.

One simple way to do this is by wearing a piece of gold jewellery or gold clothing.

Traditionally, Chinese women carry a bowl of hot vinegar into each room of the house today to protect those who live there from sickness all year.

To try this yourself, slice up a peach and add it to the heated vinegar.

This releases a nice fragrance.

The peach invokes Chin Mu's blessing.

Walk clockwise around the home, visualising if filled with golden light (you can pray or chant as you go, if you wish).\If you are pressed for time, eat a peach or drink some Mulberry wine instead and internalise Chin Mu's hearty energies just the same.

Finally, meditate on the feminine aspects of yourself and the divine (a good time to do this is during your morning shower or late afternoon walk).

Honour the women who have influenced your life, even if you do this just by saying Thanks...


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