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Today's number is Five (5)...

Positive - Moving Between Material and Spiritual Worlds in Search of Balance and Inner Peace. Any Type of Challenge that Brings Out an Individual's Best, Change, New Opportunities, New and Different Ways of Thinking, Wander Lust, Sudden Improvements in Health Conditions, Curiosity, Travel for Business or Pleasure, Changing One's Residence or Place of Business, Changing One's Mind, Beliefs or Values, Giving or Receiving Money or Other Valuable Items. * Negative - Inability to Settle Down, Running Away from Problems, Divorce, Familial or Romantic Break-Ups, Moving Away or Pushing Away Friends or Loved Ones, Fear of Change, Leaping Before Looking, Over-concern with Failure, Restlessness, Losing Money, Sudden Declines In Health Conditions, Inability to Make Up One's Mind or Settle on a Single Decision. XXX

Source -

Image - Soul Centric Wellness Clinic

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