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Goddess Benten ( Benzaiten )...

Goddess Benten ( Benzaiten )...

To welcome Goddess Benten's prosperity into your home, sprinkle a little salt water on the threshold today. Or, to generate beauty within and without, soak in a bath of Epsom salts while listening to guitar music. The Shigoto Hajime festival Honours the beginning of the work week in Japan, where it is believed that good omens for work begin today. If you want to get a peek at how your employment will fare this year, try divination by dice (a traditional gamblers tool). Hold one dice in your hand, ask for Goddess Benten to provide a sign, then roll it. The results can be interpreted as follows - 1- a negative omen 2- feeling torn between two good options 3- a good omen 4- financial security 5- not much material change, but improvements in inter-office relationships 6- an excellent omen; roll again. If you get two more sixes, Goddess Benten's treasures will be yours. XXX…/uga-benzait…/

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