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Am I on the right path?

Do you ever feel like you are on a path of the craft but you don't feel like it is the right one for you, personally? * Ask yourself why you believe it is the wrong path. Ask yourself what brought you to that conclusion. Ask yourself why you hate it? Think to yourself - perhaps I am on this path because I have been led there for a reason, a purpose, a challenge. Perhaps this path you hate so much has a challenge for you to do in order for you to be led on to your next path. We are all moving constantly. Magik is not a stagnant pool, it is a flowing river of energies, pulling us where we need to be right now and then throwing in a few challenges to make sure we are ready for the next step. A magikal path is never permanent, we move and grow with each path we take. So do not be too worried if where you are now, does not sit well with you. Learn from this place you are in and then you will find a door or gate which will lead you to your next destination. Magik is a long journey which we will never stop following, just enjoy and learn from every new path that is being shown to you. DarkCrone (O) XXX

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