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Obatala's Day

Calendar of the Sun 30 Yulmonath Obatala's Day Colour: White Elements: Earth and Air Altar: Upon cloth of white set a cup of coconut milk, eight white candles, the figure of an elephant, a white flywhisk, a bowl of white rice, and eight white or clear stones. Offerings: Rice and coconut milk. Daily Meal: Coconut anything and rice. Invocation to Obatala Great White King Great White Queen Pure as the snow On the tops of mountains, To sit in your space On your white cloth Is to be in the high place Of objectivity And perfect justice. To work with your hands Is to create life anew Being both father and mother Being the healer of wounds That has no gender As healing has no gender. To touch with your vision Is to see past the flaws And faults of your children To a cleaner place of fairness Upon the high unbroken snow. Song: Mountain God (The ritual should end with a round of drumming and dancing.)

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