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I was asked what is magic why is it spelt different by so many ?

I was asked what is magic why is it spelt different by so many ?

When you think of creating magick or if someone who doesn't follow the path of the Craft and you hear of magick being performed what do you visualize? First off forget about Hollyweird, all that you see on the silver screen is just that, a screen for entertainment purposes nothing more & all the fancy effects are fun to see but are nothing compared to REAL magick. Magick isn't supernatural in any form ..if anything it's all completely natural using the raw energy which surrounds you, something which science hasn't managed to explain or figure out yet. That isn't to say that every witch knows every inch of magick mysteries do still exist. We Witches,Wise Ones, Cunning folk whichever label you wanna stick yourself with dont use or practise any magick from the ''Devil'' we do not even recognise the existence of a devil... there are many dark entities but to give them names gives them purpose and power..dont give it a name it has no power nor purpose. This is another topic for another time me thinks ;) Back on topic, magick isn't even religious although it can be performed through religious activities. For the young teenies interested in following the craft path life and develop or learn magick; magick is not a weapon to use on someone you dislike purely because you had an argument or simply because you can and if you're serious about your path, you will know that whatever you send out, will come back to you. Might make you think before you act ;) There are different types of magick all are different from the other. If you come across a person who has revealed themselves to you as a witch and say's they are a white witch this would to me atleast say they are a healer a person who performs magickal acts in order to help those around them. Someone who practises black magick would say to me that they preform darker acts of magick, whilst someone who says they are a grey witch does both and accepts all that they send out will comes back to them. (Im personally am grey although i rarely touch the darker sides, I will if needed and all other avenues have been exhausted, and accept all if anything back in return.) As for spelling it can be spelt Magic, Magick and Majik Im sure there are other ways but this is what Im aware of so far. All is the right way for the person who writes it there is no right or wrong way of spelling to the practitioner . If you mention magic spelt as I have written, it would indicate to me illusion..stage magic tricks played faster than the eye can is an art and an illusion entertainment value .. where as Magick & majiks are the way of your practice along the path of Witchcraft. Where there is no right or wrong way , just your own way. I hope this helps you and any others reading.

𝒜ℊ𝑟𝛼𝒸𝑖𝛼 𝒮𝓃ℴ𝓌𝒲ℴℓ𝔉

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