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Earth Walking

Earth Walking

This exercise expands your experience beyond the realm of personal energy and into the feelings of Earth energy. Our ancestors slept on the Earth and exchanged energy with it every day. Most people barely touch the Earth now, with the ubiquity of shoes and floors. Earth walking helps us come back into balance with the energy field of the Earth. Earth walking is a simple meditative walk outside.

Start in some natural setting, on grass, in a field or park, on the beach, or in the woods, rather than on concrete or asphalt. If you feel comfortable enough to do this barefoot, so much the better, but with practice, you will feel this experience through your shoes. Walk slowly and meditatively. Be aware of the Earth below your feet. Be aware of your personal energy, the auric field around you, touching the land, where your energy mingles. As you inhale, imagine that you are not only breathing in through your mouth, but breathing in through your feet.

My yoga teacher tells me that a wise man breathes through the sole of his feet. I think that applies to a wise witch, too. Imagine drawing in life force, Earth energy, through your feet as you walk. This energy grounds and centers you. It bolsters your metabolism and energy level, creating health and joy in the moment. For now, don’t worry about doing anything special while exhaling. Breathe normally. The excess energy will be released naturally through your daily activity. We release energy all the time. Focus on the connection you make to the Earth.

When on these walks, look for a quiet place that could serve as a meditation spot for later exercises. When you feel you are done with this experience, walk and breathe normally and resume your day-to-day activities. If you feel too energized, too charged, get on your hands and knees, placing your palms on the ground. Imagine the excess energy flowing out of your palms and even pouring out of your head. You release only the excess energy to the Earth, grounding yourself. As you release this energy, you can place the intent that such energy be used for healing the planet. This is a basic method of grounding yourself if you are not releasing excess energy.

The greatest lesson to learn about working with these energies is that all energies and powers are fundamentally neutral, meaning they are not good or evil. At times we can pick up on the energy of a place or person and feel it is “bad” energy, but it is only energy being used for a less than good intention. Intention rules everything. Electricity is electricity; it can be used to power a light build, a life-support machine or an electric chair. The energy itself does not judge its use, so people who use the energy must take responsibility. Personal, Earth, Sky, and Divine energies can be used to heal or to harm, depending on the intention behind the action.

Source unknown

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