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Cerridwen's Day

Calendar of the Moon 7 Ruis/Poseideion Cerridwen's Day Colou

rs: White and black Element: Earth Altar: Upon a black cloth place four white candles, an iron cauldron filled with herbal tea which will be passed around and served afterwards, and the figure of a white sow. Offerings: Give aid to disabled children. Daily Meal: Soups from a cauldron, of which one should contain pork. Invocation to Cerridwen Hail, White Sow Mother, Keeper of the Sacred Cauldron, Cauldron that brews wisdom, Cauldron that brews magic, Cauldron that brews inspiration. Hail, Shapeshifting Crone, Keeper of the Mysteries, Fox and otter and hen, You have worn many skins, Many legs, many faces. You know that truth is an ever-changing mirror And that one piece is not the same as another. May we learn the dance of perspective, Learning to be in each other's skins And thus never be completely tied To our own rigid views of the world. You work tirelessly for your children Who are born less than blessed. Like you, may we understand imperfection And like you, may we have compassion For those who are forced to bear it. Hail, Sow Mother, lady of the Prophetic Pig, Whose snout points out the way To the future of fallen sticks, To the Cauldron of Transformation. Cerridwen, White Lady, transform us! Chant: Sow Mother, Cerridwen, Old Mother, Let us in, Fur and feather and scale and skin, Old Mother, Let us in.


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