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Sophia's Day

Calendar of the Sun 28 Blutmonath Sophia's Day Colours: Red and white Element: Air Altar: Upon a red cloth lay a white cloth, and upon that se

t a lit lantern, a glass chalice of clear water, incense of frankincense and lemongrass, and let each place upon the altar a book which they find to be great in wisdom. Offerings: Promise to grow in wisdom, even when the path is difficult. Daily Meal: Simple and communal. Invocation to Sophia Hail, Great Mother of Wisdom! Consort of the One Whose Name May Not Be Spoken, Lady whose still small voice Echoes through every one of us, Teach us to listen, Lady, Teach us to pay attention And to consider well our actions, Lest we may come to regret them. Teach us to walk each of our words Through the door of truth, Through the door of necessity, And teach us to know when We must walk them through A door yet narrower than those, The door of kindness to the hearer. Let our words be heard By ears who will listen, And show us how to speak their language That no misunderstanding May mar what flows between us. Lady of Wisdom, speak to us, And we will strive to hear your voice. (Each comes forward and takes the book from the altar, and speaks to what that book taught them, and how they are the wiser for it. Then each speaks to another lesson that taught them wisdom, a lesson that did not come from books but from life. Each person thanks Sophia for these lessons, and bows before her altar. Her lantern is carried from the room in procession, and set to hang, still lit, in the main room of the House, where it will remain lit for seven days.)


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