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Media Autumnus IV

Calendar of the Sun Media Autumnus Colour: Brown Element: Earth Altar: Set out a brown cloth, an earthenware jug of water, dried stalks of yarrow in a vase, and incense of many woods. In front of the altar set a great empty barrel, an earthen pot of soil, another of the day's vegetation garbage, a smaller one of wood ashes, and a basket of gathered dried leaves. Offerings: Bits of hair or fingernail parings. Daily Meal: Vegetarian. Media Autumnus Invocation Let us invest in the Earth Beneath our feet And see our returns in millenniums. Let us say that our main crop Is the ancient forest Which we did not plant And will not live to harvest. Let us say that the leaves Are harvested when They have rotted into the mold. Let us call that our profit, And prophesy such returns. Let us put our faith in the two inches Of humus that will build Under the trees every thousand years. Let us listen to carrion. Let us put our ears close and hear The faint chatterings Of the songs that are yet to come. Chant: Clay receives you Earth has chosen you Worms prepare you Earth encloses you (During the chant, several who have been chosen to do the work of the ritual come forward and add the garbage, the ashes, the soil, the dried leaves, the yarrow, and finally the water to the compost barrel. It is removed again to the corner until Spring.)


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