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Hecate's Day

Calendar of the Moon 27 Ngetal/Maimakterion Hecate's Day Colour: Black Elements: Earth and Water Altar: Upon a black cloth set three black candles, a bowl filled with polished stones and water, a silver crescent waning moon, the figure of a white hound, and a wooden X for crossroads. Offering: Uncover something in yourself that is hidden. Daily Meal: Mushrooms. Mineral water from a well. Root vegetables. Invocation to Hecate Dark Moon Hidden Moon Old Moon Shining on the crossroads of our souls. Darkness hides nothing But our fears But your mysteries But the hounds who wait To leap upon us. Underground stream Underworld river Keeper of deep places Keeper of magic Lead us trembling Into our own darkness To be midwifed out again. You offer us retreat from the rigors of the day To find the challenge of the depths. Wild old witch of the waning moon, Lady of the dark caves that wait In unending damp echoes Like the hollow rooms of our minds, You know the wisdom of the secret places And we dare not pretend that your kingdom Does not lie beneath all that we have built. Chant: Hecate Cave Within Old Mother let us in Hecate Cave Within Guide us through the dark []

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