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Quetzalcoatl's Day

Calendar of the Sun 21 Blutmonath Quetzalcoatl's Day Colours: Bright red, gold, green, and blue Element: Air Altar: On a multicolored cloth set many feathers of different colours, and a plate of chocolate. Offerings: Coloured feathers. Make something creative. Daily Meal: Mexican food. Chocolate. Invocation to Quetzalcoatl Feathered Serpent Creature of earth That learned to fly, You who brought the gifts Of civilization and culture To a troubled people, You who fought against The unnecessary sacrifices Of the greedy gods, Once a god, once a man, Always a mystery, You who sailed away into the west And one day promised to return, Lord of good judgment Who is always fair, Brighten our minds With thoughts that dance and run And finally leave the earth And fly. (All partake in a drum circle, after which the chocolate is passed around and shared.)


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