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Arawn Arawn King of Annwn, a Welsh paradise described in the First Branch of the Mabinogi, Annwn is a realm of death, a dwelling place and way station for those who have completed their earthly incarnation, but it is not the only Otherworld. As Otherworlds go, it is particularly pleasant. Arawn is a hospitable and gracious host. According to Welsh myth, Arawn is a loyal and beneficial ally. Following his advice allegedly always leads to prosperity. Post- Christianity Arawn transformed into a Wild Hunter, flying through the sky on winter nights. Arawn owns a huge diamond - and pearl-studded cauldron fueled by the breath of nine virgin girls. This cauldron will not cook food for cowards. It was eventually stolen at great cost by a party that included King Arthur. Arawn favours pigs and dogs. Arawn travels with his Wild Hunters and hounds during the Yule season. He also favours the eves of saints' feasts, such as Saint Agnes' Eve, Saint David's Eve; Michaelmas; Saint John's Eve, and MArtins Eve, not to mention of course All Souls Eve. [source-Encyclopedia of spirits]

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