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Holda's Blot

Calendar of the Sun 17 Blutmonath Holda's Blot Colours: Brown and white Element: Earth Altar: On cloth of white and brown lay a spindle full of spun wool, a basket of white goose-feathers, two white candles, a needle and thread, a horn of mead, and a dish of honey-cakes. Lean a broom against the altar. Offerings: Cakes buried under the earth. Organize and clean the house. Daily Meal: Hearty stew with root vegetables. Wholegrain bread. Invocation to Holda Frau Holle, good Lady Of the Land Under The Earth, Who we reach through The well into the deep places, You who reward each As to the temper of the work They accomplish each day, You who have eternal patience And yet no patience at all With lazy fools who will not Lift their hands in another's need. Lady of the hearth, the loom, The spindle and the wheel, The needle and the cooking pot, These things that so many Take simply for granted, They are your kingdom And your warm domain, And if they should be removed, We would sorely miss them, Much more than we could guess. Chant: Snow is coming Feathers on the wind Mother Holda Winter will begin... (All approach the altar, seize handfuls of the goose feathers, and fling them into the air so that they fall like snow. Each then takes a turn with the broom, sweeping them up. The mead is shared and then poured as a libation.)


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