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Full Moon Night

Calendar of the Moon Full Moon Night Colour: White Element: Water Altar: Upon a white cloth set a plate of round white cakes, a single thick white candle, a white bowl of water, and a pitcher of fresh milk from a local animal. Offerings: Milk. Sugar. Nurturing another. Daily Meal: White foods, such as rice, coconut, almonds. All dairy products. Full Moon Night Invocation In the dark of night You are the source of light. Our ancestors gathered at this time, Protected by the silvery glow That drove the demons from the dark fields. Selene, Moon Mother of the white breast, Milk-giver, fountain of life, You speak to us of sustenance, Of bringing to fruition, to climax. Yemaya, reflection of the full moon On the surface of the ocean, You speak to us of inner tides, Of feelings swelling like waves. Thoth, writer and calculator Who took pity on a mother's plight, You count the days, the moments, You speak of trust in the universe Proven by the lunar cycle, Something we can always count on, Something we will always see. What is done under Full Moon Night Is seen by the gods both of Darkness and Light. (Let each come forward and be given milk to drink, and a moon-cake to eat. Then let all process in a slow spiral dance, chanting.) Chant: What is done under Full Moon Night Is seen by the gods of both Darkness and Light.


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