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The Colour Meaning of Gold

Gold has a strong, powerful masculine energy to it and is the most alluring of all colours.

Gold is very attracting of admirers, boosting confidence and assisting with self esteem.

Wearing this colour will help you attract very positive elements into life.

Gold symbolises abundant wealth, power, vibrant health and prosperity.

Because of this the colour gold is used in Magik rituals and Spell work, particularly around the celebration Sabbats.

Gold is considered a very healing and transformative colour.


Gold Colour Meaning

Gold has been valued in many cultures for centuries for its sheer brilliance, sun inspired colour, and its ability to connect with the Divine.

The ancients used this metal to adorn their bodies, their altars and shrines, and to honour their gods.

The colour gold represents luxury and wealth.

The traditional gold colour meaning is that of power.

The meaning of gold is also associated with the Sun, the Divine and of raised spiritual enlightenment.


Gold Colour Meaning in Healing

Gold is an incredibly positive precious metal containing illuminating and health boosting energies.

It gives strength, optimism and confidence and dispels negativity, depression and feelings of unworthiness.

In colour therapy and colour healing gold is used to help overcome addictions.

It is useful for any depressive conditions as it is uplifting, energetic and inspirational.


Gold Colour Meaning in Magik and Correspondences

Gold is connected with the Element of Fire, the direction South, the zodiac sign of Leo and the Sun.

Gold is also connected to the Sun Tarot Card

The colour Gold is used in rituals and Spell work for enlightenment, protection, success, wealth, luck and love.

Gold Crystals such as Amber are used in all Spell work, particularly for love and wealth.


Enhancing your Life with the Colour Gold

Gold is thought to be incredibly attracting of admirers, boosting confidence and assisting with self esteem.

Wearing this colour will help you attract very positive elements into life.

If you are craving a need for a complete positive change in your life particularly related to love, romance, finances and success then include more of the colour gold into your life.


Choosing Gold as a Favourite Colour

Choosing Gold as a favourite colour indicates that you love success and are filled with optimism, intelligent ideas and plenty of motivation to put plans into action.

It shows you use your personal power wisely and are courageous.

Gold is a very successful colour and is linked with creativity.


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