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Gender - Masculine

Planet - Mercury

Element - Air Magikal attributes: Sleep, long life, peace, wishes, protection, love, purification, visions, attracting men, clarity of thought. Uses: Has strong antiseptic qualities.

Mild infusions (3 tablespoons to 6 cups of water) make a good sedative, headache treatment, and digestive aid.

Used in oil or tincture form to heal cuts, burns or scalds, bites.

This also acts as a tonic and may be used for colds, chills, and the flu.

Lavender is an excellent aromatic, usually mixing well with other floral scents.

An ingredient in the Purification bath sachet, also used in purification incenses.

It is thrown onto the Midsummer fires by Witches as a sacrifice to the ancient gods.

Lavender is a frequent addition to healing sachets, especially bath mixtures, and is added to incenses to cause sleep.

Lavender is a great antibiotic, antidepressant, sedative and detoxify.

Stimulates the immune system.

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For love, peace and good health, place Lavender flowers in a sachet to be carried on the person.

Carrying a sachet or amulet containing lavender is also said to attract spirits or otherworldly entities.

Fresh flowers can be rubbed on clothing for attracting love.

For peaceful sleep, use a few drops of essential oil on the sheets or pillows before bed.

For relaxation, purification baths, or aromatherapy purposes, run bathwater over fresh sprigs or place a few drops of oil in the bath.

If bathing is not convenient, simply inhale the scent from a bottle of essential oil for the same effects.

Make a tea from fresh or dried lavender flowers for relaxation, peace, health, longevity, protection, and love - however, do not use a tea directly before a night of passion, as due to its relaxant and sedative properties, it will decrease sex drive.

Dried lavender stalks burn like incense sticks, and can be included in spells and rituals aimed attracting money, love, protection, and success. Individual flowers can also be dried and burned similarly for the same purposes.

For sleep divination, place lavender sprigs under the pillow before bed while thinking about your desire.

If you dream about anything related, you will get what you desire.

( Source - )


Image - We Need Fun

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