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ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY “To rejoice in the prosperity of another is to partake in it.” —W. Austin Who of us couldn’t use a little extra abundance in our lives? Mind you, this abundance can come in many forms, from a profuse garden to increased financial flow. It can also mean abundant joy, abundant health, an abundance of good friends, and other wonderful things that we treasure. So, in making this type of beverage, it’s important to focus on exactly what type of plenty you’re seeking and then adjust the recipes accordingly. For example, you might add more green-coloured items to a brew for financial prosperity because the western world associates that colour with our paper money. Besides drinking this beverage, you could dab a bit on your wallet like a charm to attract more cash, and to keep what you have close by! On the other hand, a brew for a flourishing garden might be better made with the soil in mind, and poured out to the land where it can do the most good! Here’s a list of ingredients commonly associated with this type of energy to refer to for adapting or tweaking your recipes to suit personal tastes and needs: alfalfa sprouts, ginger, kiwi,almond flavouring, berries, orange juice,banana, grapes, basil,mint, dill, grains,nutty flavouring, tea, tomato juice,lavender, rhubarb, cranberry,green beverages & apple You may also wish to consider making these brews during a waxing moon and stirring them clockwise so abundance grows. [source:A Witchs Beverages and Brews]

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