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Herne's Day II: Predator

Calendar of the Sun 6 Blutmonath Herne's Day II: Predator Colours: Black and red Element: Earth Altar: On a black cloth lay the skulls and bones of animals, spearheads and flint arrowheads, arrows, and knives. The room should be dark, lit by a single red candle. Offerings: Make an end to something that needs to die. Cull out things in your life. Daily Meal: Meat. Invocation to Herne II All Hail the Mighty Hunter! Leader of the Wild Hunt, Hounds leaping and baying At his command, Alpha of the pack, With teeth that close on the throat Of the largest, strongest prey, Predator against whom none can stand. You who understand the cycle, Who accepts the sacrifice, Who takes the offering of your prey, Wolf who runs with his brothers and sisters, Great panther who hunts alone, Bear huge and fierce of claw Weasel and marten, dark and sly, Faithful dog that runs to the kill, Teach us that when Fate comes for us,

It is our place to surrender. Teach us that when we are overrun, It is our place to weed out. Teach us to understand Death From the side of your implacable eyes. Chant: Cernunnos Cernunnos The Hunt is On (Ritual ends in a great howl, after which the single candle is snuffed out and all leave the room silently.)


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