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Day VII of the Mysteries of Isis and Osiris

Calendar of the Sun 3 Blutmonath Day VII of the Mysteries of Isis and Osiris Colours: Green and black Elements: Earth and Air Altar: Upon cloth of green and black set a figure of Isis, a figure of Osiris, a box carved like a sarcophagus, and two large ivory candles. Offerings: Continue with the project that may fail. Daily Meal: Beer. Barley. Figs. Dates. Nuts. Flatbread. Isis Invocation III Mistress of the Gods Thou bearer of wings Thou lady of the red apparel Queen of the crowns of the South and North, Thou mighty one of enchantments, Mistress and lady of the tomb, Mother in the horizon of heaven. For Isis the mighty raised her son in secret, Hiding, running, evading their seeking enemies, Teaching him always to be strong And to one day avenge his father And right the wrong that had been done to Egypt. At night, Osiris the Good, Once King of the Gods of Egypt, Now King of the Dead Underground, Flesh now gone green as verdure, Wrapped in the shroud of the corpse, Came to his son as a ghost And trained him in the ways of mystery. So it was that Horus grew strong And his mother Isis raised him an army, And one day in the summer of the year They fell upon Set at the Nile, And Horus fought him, and Horus won. And all these things might have gone awry If not for the unceasing love of Isis For husband, for son, for justice. Raise your voices for her, Mother in the horizon of heaven! Raise your voices for him, Father of the Underworld! (All cheer, and grain is thrown upwards in celebration.)


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