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Night of Wild Winds

Calendar of the Moon 4 Ngetal/Maimakterion Night of Wild Winds Colours: Black, white, grey Element: Air Altar: Upon cloth of swirling white, grey, and black place incense, fans, pens, and small pieces of paper. All windows in the House should be opened throughout the night. Offering: Give your wishes to the winds. Daily Meal: Raw, cold food. Invocation to the Wild Winds This is the Night of Wild Winds! We have opened ourselves to the still cold waters, And tonight we open ourselves to their counterpart, The ever-flying bitter winds that rush Through all things! Open all the windows, Let them run through the House, Let them tear through our hair and our heads, Let them flay us clean of all impurities! For on the winds ride the souls of our ancestors, And the spirits of the Air itself! Listen to their songs, their whispers, And learn the wisdom they speak. Spirits of the Air, Powers of the Winds, Be with us tonight! Be with us in our beds, Be with us in our dreams, Be with us until the dawn! Hail, Night of Wild Winds! May we breathe in your inspiration And may it blow us through to a new day! Chant: Spirit of the Wind, carry me, Spirit of the Wind, carry me home, Spirit of the Wind, carry me home to myself. (The incense is carried throughout the house, and all windows are thrown open. They shall stay that way, regardless of cold, until after sunrise the next day.)


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