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Day II of the Mysteries of Isis and Osiris

Calendar of the Sun 29 Winterfyllith Day II of the Mysteries of Isis and Osiris Colours: Green and black Elements: Earth and Air Altar: Upon cloth of green and black set a figure of Isis, a figure of Osiris, a box carved like a sarcophagus, and two large ivory candles. Offerings: Continue with the long-term difficult project. Daily Meal: Beer. Barley. Figs. Dates. Nuts. Flatbread. Isis Invocation Mistress of the Gods Thou bearer of wings Thou lady of the red apparel Queen of the crowns of the South and North, Thou mighty one of enchantments, Mistress and lady of the tomb, Mother in the horizon of heaven. For when Isis the Queen found that her husband Had fallen from grace through foul play, She searched high and low in every country, Until she came to a palace in a far place Where a great sweet-scented pillar Had been cut from a tamarisk tree The like of which had never been seen before. The mighty Isis clad herself in the robes Of a common woman, And presented herself to the Queen To be her babe’s nurse. And so it was, Yet the Queen one day found this nurse Setting her child in the fire, So as to make him immortal. And Isis revealed herself, And the pillar was cut down and opened, And she did restore Osiris her husband With many wonderful magicks, And so she triumphed over their enemies And brought her beloved home. Cry joyfully for them, Rulers of the Gods of Egypt! (All cheer, and grain is thrown into the air in celebration.)


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