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Khalkeia: Weaving Athena's Cloak

Calendar of the Moon 27 Gort/Puanepsion Khalkeia: Weaving Athena's Cloak Colour: Blue and white Element: Air Altar: Upon cloth of white set up a table loom which will be used over the next nine months to weave Athena's cloak. The warp should be strung, and the shuttles loaded. Offerings: Weave a line or two. Daily Meal: Anything served with olives. Khalkeia Invocation: Call: Hail Athena, Weaver and Craftswoman! Response: Hail Athena, Giver of Civilization! Call: On this day we begin to weave our gift to you. Response: On this day we begin to weave our worship. Call: We weave into it the high flight of birds. Response: We weave into it the firm earth beneath us. Call: We weave into it clear-eyed vision. Response: We weave into it skillful hands. Call: We weave into it the grim struggle of battle. Response: We weave into it the focus of strategy. Call: We weave into it the spiral twirl of the spindle. Response: We weave into it the clashing of swords. Call: We weave into it the beating of owl's wings. Response: We weave into it the glare of the Gorgon. Call: We weave into it the soft counsel of wisdom. Response: We weave into it the draught that cools hot heads. Call: We weave into it the ancient knowledge. Response: We weave into it the new discovery. Call: We weave into it study and seeking. Response: We weave into it manifestation. Call: We weave into it our hopes and fears. Response: We weave into it the cry to heaven. Call: Hail Athena, Weaver and Craftswoman! May you bless the work of our hands. Response: Hail Athena, Giver of Civilization! May you bless all that we do. (The one who is the House weaver should weave the first three lines with the shuttle, saying "Hail Athena!" each time the reed swings back and forth. All should come forth and weave a line or two, also saying, "Hail Athena!" Then the loom is carried to its place of honor for the rest of the year, where the cloak for her statue will be woven with pictures and symbols in her honor, to be presented to her at the Panathenaea.)


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