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Number 9...

Number 9...

"The cycles of my new foundation revealed the Gate of Initiation and

I stepped through unafraid of the transformation that became the brilliance of my new Self".

The number Nine (9) relates to death and rebirth, acting as the gate of movement into a new state of being.

It is purposeful regeneration of what has been purified and emboldened by the process of release.

And, it is in this state of self-awareness, inner light and true wisdom that we are made ready to begin the work of returning to the place of beginning.

This is the number that carries us into the darkness so that we may find ourselves in the light.

This is the number that decrees that change will occur whether it is welcomed with surrender or fought with all of our might.

It is from the number nine that we test our strengths and refine our weaknesses as we cross the threshold of our own glory.

The planetary energy of the number nine is Mars.

This is the combustible force that propels new growth forward.

It is justifiable assertion of itself that puts the plan in motion and irrational aggressiveness that serves as the tantrum of a child wanting attention and not receiving what is needed, before they can move on to their next creative project.

Mars is the corrector of Imbalance, the ultimate equaliser.

It is the energy behind a War that strives to bring an end to war, simply because sometimes that is the only way to override a power that is being misused.

Anger, aggression and assertiveness are often viewed in our society as being inappropriate and negative behaviours.

However, if there were not the fuelling of the energetic fires of anger towards the atrocities of child abuse, female mutilation and other social injustices, these injustices and ill-used power plays would go unnoticed and unchanged.

The fiery light of Mars shines brightly and brings into the central heat of the flame that which needs transformation.


Astrology: The House of Transformation and Endings – Death and Rebirth

The Ninth House is concerned with those things that make us whole after we have been taken apart, analysed and refined.

This is the house of death, both physical and metaphysical and the blessings of rebirth await all who step into the darkness of the unknown.

The ruling astrological sign of the ninth house is Sagittarius.

This is the sign of outreach and expansion through personal and communal connection.

As we reach beyond our own limitations and perceptions of doubt we become fully realised in our place as part of the greater collective of humanity.


Tarot: The Hermit

Tarot Key IX – The Hermit turns within to communicate with the Higher nature of his being to better analyse and come to a place of informed enlightenment.

This tarot key serves as the point of accountability

The Hermit gives heed to the need for moving into the darkness of soul’s intent before movement into light and balance may be achieved.

The Divine light of SELF serves as the lantern of guide and what is sacrificed within the sanctuary of the Hermit becomes the conscience of will that lights the way for its highest expression.


Qabalah: Yesod – Foundation

Yesod is the sphere of dreams, fantasies, memory and the dwelling place of true magik.

This sphere holds the key to the unknown and the unknowable. Yesod is known as the “Treasure House of Symbols”.

It is here that the Akashic records, which are said to contain the memory and experiences of every living being are held within the substance of Aether (spirit).

This attribute alone can give rise to illusion, false conceptions and a deluded sense of Soul’s purpose.

It is a world of shadow and illusion; being held in a state of “in-between”.

Yesod resonates to the sacral chakra and as such is the plane of sexuality and the potential underlying each act of coupling.

It is the fertile breeding ground for all future spiritual development.


Source -

Image - Intuitive Life by Sterling

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