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Daily Tarot

Daily Tarot Single Card Reading - The Magician This card indicates that you will be given a vision, an idea, a magikal, mental image of whatever it is you most want: the solution to a problem, an ambitious career, a love life, a job. In fact, you will know exactly where you want to go and how to achieve your ends. You have just got an excellent omen symbolising new opportunities, the importance of new enterprise and that you will have the willpower and initiative to succeed in whatever you do. Your energy will be endless, and your ability to manipulate energy is the key. The Magician reminds us that everything we need to live our best life is available to us as long as we master the gifts of potential, and not become slaves to our circumstances. The Magician provides the energy to juggle a number of tasks at once. In everyday life this card might represent the different hats a person has to wear, or organise time and energy to keep all areas of life running smoothly. This tarot card represents initiative, enthusiasm, talent and flexibility. When it symbolises change, it is often in the way of new opportunity. This may suggest the start of a new project, a new job or even a new way of life. Careful thought must be given to decisions regarding the future and cautious optimism is advised. XXX

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