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Baphomet's Day

Calendar of the Sun 22 Winterfyllith Baphomet's Day Colour: Black Element: Earth Altar: Upon cloth of black set one black candle and one white, on either side of a statue of Baphomet. Lay there also bones, horns, rods for whipping, a knife, needles for pricking, a jug of liqueur, and cakes in the shape of hermaphroditic genitals. Offerings: Blood, a drop apiece wiped onto the statue. Pain. Sacred sex is also a good offering for this day, but it should be of sex that is challenging to the participant. Daily Meal: Meat. Invocation to Baphomet I am Baphomet, Rex Mundi, Lord of Perversion, Child of Earth, Sacred Abomination, Secret warrior, Survivor of the great purge, Baphe Metis, baptized in wisdom, Wounded in the service of Earth from which I sprang And to which I was not allowed to fall. I am the sacrifice that Death refused; I am the one who must live on wounded. What they throw away I save, What they devalue I hold holy, What they tread underfoot I raise up, What they cast off as ugly decorates my holy raiment, What they fear becomes my weapon. I am both man and woman, I am filled with lust for both man and woman, Your body is my chalice, let me drink of you. I hold nothing more valuable than flesh and humus I hold nothing holier than earthly desires. When the Mother was silenced, I alone heard her cries. When the Great God Pan was declared dead, I alone lived on. When the Most Sacred and Holy Mystery Was stripped and driven through the marketplace I alone was secret and apart. All lonely places are sacred to me. Let my wisdom be the staff in your hand. I am Baphomet And you have much to learn. (Share and eat the cakes and wine, shed blood as libation, and all shall go off to endure ordeals of their own choosing.)


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