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Apaturia Day I: Dorpia

Calendar of the Moon 22 Gort/Puanepsion

Apaturia Day I: Dorpia Colours: White, Blue, Black. Elements: All. Altar: Upon a triple cloth of white, blue, and black place the symbols of the Order of the Horae. Offerings: The three days of the Apaturia are the official get-together of all the houses of the Order of the Horae. One House is chosen, and they host all the others, who travel from far away to be there for these three days. The offering is hospitality, and the gifting of the hosts. Daily Meal: A feast of any correct foods of the harvest, prepared for all. Dorpia Invocation Call: Hail, sisters and brothers of our Order! Response: Hail to all who gather here today! Call: Hail to the Gods who watch over us... Response: May they look upon us with favor! Call: Hail to Eunomia, Lady of Rules... Response: Hora of the Upraised Hand! Call: Your rules bind us hard and strong... Response: Yet we take these chains willingly upon us. Call: Hail to Dike, Lady of Justice... Response: Hora of the Even Hand! Call: The cold of your blade divides the just from the unjust... Response: Yet we take its edge with grace. Call: Hail Irene, Lady of Peace... Response: Hora of the Open Hand! Call: Some may scorn you as weak and tedious... Response: But we welcome you with open hearts! Call: Hail to the Handmaidens who weave frith in the sky! Response: May they watch over us all. Call: Hail to the Masters of the Twelve Principles! Response: May they guide us when our path falls into darkness. Call: Honored be all the souls who stand here today. Response: May we all stand together as kith and kind. Call: May we all learn from each others' lives. Response: For none of us has nothing to learn, or nothing yet to teach. Call: Hail to the Gods of east and west, of north and south! Response: Hail to all the Powers above and below! Song: We the Dead []

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