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Number Three

Today's number in detail - Three – 3

The point of trinity or third that is created from the friction and combined effort of the two

Within the energy of the number Three (3) is the structure of harmony and the triune nature that forms the three-sided triangle of fire, action and will.

Additionally, each component offers a different perspective or dynamic to contribute to that outpour.

Three faces, each in support of the other yet one in the same and emanating from the One.

Each of these energies works collaboratively with one another in the creative effort of new growth.

We find multiple references to the Trinity in spiritual practice.

These are but a few:

Maiden, Mother Crone

Youth, Father, Sage

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva

Father, Son, Holy Ghost

The planetary energy of the number three is Jupiter.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System and it is this expansive quality that is necessary in seeking a third from the union of the two.

Jupiter’s force is one of an over-reaching quality that extends itself far and wide with the intent of covering as much ground as possible. This is done with the intent of sorting through the multiple options presented until finding the one that will be most productive. Considering the energy of Jupiter as it lends its force to any creative endeavour there is great potential for moving beyond what was initially thought possible and creating something entirely new carried forward by the intent fuelled at its place of origins.


Astrology: The House of Self- Expression/Presentation

This is the astrological house that defines what you possess and what manner of expression it takes.

You have moved from the singular identification of the Self (1st House) and began the process of acquisition of items that create the outer persona of who you perceive yourself to be.

Now, arriving at the Third House you have the appropriate external objects that can be the methods you use to communicate who you are.

The ruling astrological sign is that of Gemini; the master communicator.


Tarot: The Empress

Tarot Key III – The Empress is the Mother of all life.

She sits in quiet repose and strength in the verdant landscape of her own domain.

She is the sexual energy that is ripe being both pregnant in her fertility and exquisite in the afterglow of promised union.

The Empress offers the vision of what will become and will bear fruit from her union with the masculine polarity and the manifest and spiritual fruits this union will yield.

She is the promise of continued life and expression of that life in all of the elemental worlds over which she reigns supreme.


Qabalah: Binah – Understanding

Binah is the Third Sphere on the Tree of Life.

Within the energy of Binah we find the Mother and Divine Creatrix; who contains within herself the archetypal womb through which all life is has potential to be made manifest.

It is the nature of the male to provide the seed of life, but it is the feminine principle that gives it life, provides the space for gestation and ultimately releases the manifest form into existence or being.

It is that feminine principle that holds the primal form within the womb that is both void and full.

The vessel that holds nothing also provides the space and potential for it to be filled.

And, the Three needed a structure of foundation and stability from which to grow and seed its harmonious wisdom.


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