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Jupiter (to expand) The Planet Of Expansion, generalisation and abstraction, truth seeking, benevolence. The crescent of the Moon, receptivity is above the cross of matter. Our nature is raised above the material to higher levels. Jupiter represents higher education while Mercury is concerned with lower-level education). The crescent of the receptive is directly above the material, without the intervention of the self or the spirit. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and, traditionally, Pisces. The Jupiter force has the keyword "expand", and this force expands the mind, body and the environment. Jupiter was king of the gods, and all the others had to obey him. Another name is Jove, which suggests jovial, a quality produced by the planetary force Jupiter. When we wish to expand our minds, we seek higher education and may travel to distant places, to learn more, to expand our experiences and seek the truth. We would study philosophy. Jupiter is therefore concerned with the big picture, or with generalisation and abstraction. We tend to think we can expand when we feel safe and secure, and we are optimistic about the future. If we are optimistic, we might tend to invest in stocks and shares and even gamble, because we feel lucky. XXX

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Image - The Magickal Pen

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