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A Two Day...

Today is a 2 day... * Two – 2 Collaborative effort- moving beyond the “I” to “we”- duality and polarity that results The number Two (2) is the keynote of collaborative effort that feeds polarity and divisiveness. We have moved from a place of the singular “I” to a yearning and urge to interact, divide and expand in the creation of another that is similar, yet different. In this dance of relationship, the opportunity to develop kindness, concern, harmony and balance is fostered. There is now something more than just beginnings and the urge towards action. There is now something to be acted upon and with. Under the influence of the number Two there is a push towards release from indecisiveness and the consideration of the influence and affect to be had by not making a choice. The planetary energy of the Moon is attributed to the number Two. The Moon presents its energies in a manner of ebb and flow. The emotions (Lunar), if in collaboration with the strength of clarity of thought (The Sun), are powerful points from which all manner of manifestation and creativity are brought forth. The coolness and dark cover of night Moon offers counterpoint and contrast to the heat and light of the Sun. * Astrology: The House of Possessions/Finances This is the astrological house that provides your place of manifest anchor and stability based on what you have secured for yourself of worldly goods. These things acquired create the building blocks that will become the space of home as they shore up towards the Fourth house of family. This energy is expressed through its ruling astrological Sign of Taurus. Taurus is the protector and pro-creator that holds its earthy energy as home base to be filled with all that a physical life positively provides. * Tarot: The High Priestess Tarot Key II -The High Priestess sits in the Temple of the Moon and takes on the true form of catalytic energy and transformation. She sits in the space of action as the Middle Pillar incarnate as synthesised balance of male and female, force and form. Her knowledge of the mysteries is honed in the waters of deep intuitive knowledge and her persona is that of the cycle of the moon. The High Priestess serves as reminder of the need for spiritual devotion and discipline as guardian of the great mysteries of life itself. In her feminine form she represents the power to sustain newly quickened life and stands as the ultimate gate of passage towards return to the source of creation. * Qabalah: Chokmah – Wisdom Chokmah is the Second Sphere on the Tree of Life. Within the energy of Chokmah lies the desire for co-creative effort. This is movement from a singular place to one of experiencing the energy of another. It can also be thought of in terms of sacrificing parts of oneself to make another and making space and container to hold that other thing while retaining that part which created it. It is awareness that there is something beyond yourself and the yearning and striving for creating another to act and be acted upon. XXX

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