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Daily Tarot

Daily Tarot

Single Card Reading - The Death card.

This is not an actual physical death; it is an indication of a major external change, the need to accept the loss and let go, freedom from old relationships, transformation.

Situations will change, separations might occur, people could depart from life and new ones enter the scene, these are some of the changes you must be prepared for.

It sure is a time of transition from one set of circumstances to another, and it won`t be easy.

It is the image of profound transformation, the ending of one cycle, and the transition into a new state.

Expect and be prepared for sudden and inevitable change, death of the old self so that the new consciousness can emerge.

The experience can be saddening or painful and we might be reluctant to accept the inevitability of the ending.

Accept and recognise the necessity of endings; only then will you feel liberated and feel an inner change and renewal.

Maybe it is a relationship that is about to end for you or a move away from their current environment.

Don`t forget, 'tomorrow is another day!'

This card emphasises on cutting away of the dead-weight, getting rid of unnecessary baggage (emotional or material) and preparing to accept the new.

A habit or pattern has become difficult to break and you hadn`t been able to correct, now needs attention: accept the fact that it needs to `die.`

Acknowledge the need to take action; do this and your situation will soon be restored to its rightful condition.


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