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Baron Samedi - 'Master Of The Cemetery'

Baron Samedi 'Master Of The Cemetery' Baron Samedi is the leader of the Barons and possibly the Gedѐs. He presides over a sprawling, confusing, complex clan of spirits. When people speak of the Baron, they tend to mean Baron Samedi. Baron Samedi literally means Baron Saturday, which may sound innocuous compared to Baron Cemetery or Kriminel. Baron Samedi is Grand Master of the Celestial Masonic Lodge of Vodou Spirits, a thirty second degree initiated Mason. He is invoked to contact and communicate with the dead (he determines whether they can come visit or not). He many be petitioned to remove bothersome ghosts and invoked to ward off death. He is a powerful healer and is especially sympathetic to terminally ill children, Baron Samedi rules the cemetery: no one can die until he gives permission for their grave to be dug. Baron Samedi is lewd, obscene, and vulgar, but he can be just as kind. He prefers that children live full lives before joining him in the Cemetery. Baron Samedi is the crossroads where sex and death meet. Spirit of the undying life-force he may be petitioned for fertility. He is the guardian of ancestral knowledge and the link to your ancestral spirits. If one lense keeps popping out of your dark glasses (sun glasses or bifocals: Prescription light altering glasses) , the Baron maybe seeking your attention or offering his patronage. Baron Samedi is syncretized to Jesus as they both share the symbol of the cross. (Baron Samedi's association with the cross may even pre-date Christianity. In Congolese cosmology, the cross is the symbol of the life cycle:birth-death and rebirth.)

[Source:encyclopedia of spirits]

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